How to recover backup of files from waybackmachine


Before talking of this ultimate solution, remember that we backup daily your sites entirely, check our article

In other cases, you did not renew and we don't have anymore data, or you have not asked us to push any backup on your servers outside our infrastructure

If your site use html/css, you can recover all most recent data stored on site, if PHP/mysql, you won't be able to recover the databases and PHP files...

Check already on the site that your site is present, and have a preview of the site:

From your cPanel, software section, click on 'setup ruby app'

Choose default version 2.7, and set folder 'ruby', and click setup

Execute command :

gem install wayback_machine_downloader

Once done, go at line 'execute command' and put your domain in command as follow, and wait for process to end :


You will find data of your site in new folder created : /home/yourusername/websites


We remain at your disposal in case of difficulty...